Monday, August 20, 2007

A week with no hair.

Yes, I made it through the week. I was not overcome with tears. I did not hide my face. I did have to wear a hat, but that was just to keep warm.

And after getting over the initial shock, I'm fine with it now.

This week was mostly spent working, though we did get Friday off due to rain. We visited a few more wineries; there are so many I don't think we'll get to them all. We also visited a English Pub(the beer here is good, though not cheap) and spent some time in town. I also finished Michael King's the History of New Zealand which was very interesting and I hope will provide insight as we travel the country.

Most exciting of all, on Sunday we went skiing!! It ended up being a last minute affair. We went with Tadeu and his Brazilian friends to the Rainbow Ski area which is about an hour south west. By the time we got there in the middle of the day they were out of most of their rental gear, so I ended up getting boots that were too small and skis that were probably as old as I am. I'm sure that didn't help, but even better skis wouldn't have saved me from hitting the snow completely. It's been a few years since I've skied at all, so it took me a little while to be to handle the hills I thought I should be able to. I have no problem going down steep hills, but I don't remember slowing down being as difficult. Maybe it was because they didn't have much flat space at the bottom. Maybe its something I should do more than twice a decade...

Anyway, a few bruises later it was closing time, which was ok because my quads were starting to feel it. Either Ashley or I will post a few pictures soon, though we don't have any action shots. I haven't had many pictures lately, but we'll be traveling soon and then I'll definitely have more to show.

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