Friday, August 3, 2007

One layer day

Actually, two one layer days in a row(only one layer of socks, pants and shirt). Thats pretty much how we judge the weather here, in terms of how many layers you wear at the warmest part of the day. The weather varies a great deal, sometimes there is a range of over 20 degrees, so every day starts and ends with 2-4 layers, most of which hopefully come off.

The good weather means we got two full days of work in, the first two days it hasn't rained this week. Raining days can be good though. If it's raining hard enough that we stop working, we spend time reading at the library, or watching movies on the computer. Reading is also what we do at night so I've already finished a bunch of books(Brave New World, Catch 22, One hundred years of solitude, how to win friends and influence people). I'm starting on some New Zealand history now.

The work right now(pruning) is not bad. It's fairly repetitive and can be tiring for the hands, but its outside and it can also be calming if you allow your mind to space out. Music helps, dancing and singing down the rows is very helpful. Right now we're trying to get our speed up. The base pay is hourly, but if you work fast enough then you get paid per vine and can make a few dollars more per hour.

One part of vineyard work I've really enjoyed is meeting and talking to the other workers who come from all over the world. Besides locals, there are people from Germany, Brazil, England. I've already been offered a place to stay if I ever travel to Queensland, Australia or Valdivia, Chile.

I'm playing my guitar a decent amount and am always looking to learn new songs, so if you have any great tunes I should learn, let me know and I'll play them and others for you when I get back.

Time to give my hands a rest...


Helen said...

Hi Brian,
I have not checked in with you in quite awhile. I have probably missed many adventures already.
I really enjoyed your narrative and look forward to the photos.
It's 102 degrees today in St. L. I am going to the Muny tonight with your grandparents. Les Miz has gotten great reviews even with the intense heat (90's at 10pm)

Gerry Rauch said...

Dear Brian,
First time I've managed to make it to your blog site. Like the hair, or lack there of.
When Kloud and I were your age, we lived in Fayetteville, Ark. After one day of working at Campbell's Soup Co. where Kloud was told to wring the necks of chickens, he quite and got a job at the university's experimental farm, where he happily spent his time prunning grape vines. I think it may have been his favorite job ever. All that time to be out in nature and just meditate.

Looking forward to keeping up with you via your blog. Your mom left today for Colorado. Lucky. It was 100 degrees again here today. We just came home from canoeing in the boundary waters of Minnesota,at the Canadian border. The coolness had my body ready for autumn and this re-entry to summer has been a shock for the system. St. Margaret's is on half days because of the heat.

So, enjoy the chill. Blessings,
gerry rauch