Sunday, August 26, 2007

A little bit of reflection...

So far we've been in New Zealand for just over two months and are coming to the end of the first phase of the journey. After working in the vineyards for 6+ weeks, we're ready to hit the road and see more of the country. Before heading out I'd like to reflect a bit. Here is a short list of some of best parts of the last two months:

Learning a lot about wine, both from the vineyard and the wine-making side. Through tasting at local wineries I think we've gained an idea of New Zealand Wine and learned about wine in general.

Our trip to Nelson

The amazing night sky: full moons, shooting stars, the Milky Way, the Clouds of Magellan.

Going skiing

Cooking every other night. It's so much nicer to cook when you have time(we've had plenty because there isn't much else to do in the evening). As a result of cooking regularly, I think we've become more creative and resourceful in the kitchen.

Food from both ends of the spectrum, from Highfield and Le Cafe to $6 pub meals.

Meeting Kiwis and people from around the world.

Time to read and play/write music

Bob, Marj, and Tadeu's absolutely fabulous hospitality and friendship. I can't say enough here. Ashley and I are incredibly grateful to them.

From here on out we'll just be going as the wind takes us. It's possible we'll have less access to the internet, so if updates are less frequent, that's probably the reason.

All the best to all of you

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